馬臨 校友(嶺英戰社41)痛于2017年十月十六日安祥離世,享年93歲, 由香港中文大學逸夫書院院務主任通告校董會, 喪禮安排10月27日下午五時後在香港殯儀館舉行!
馬臨元老校友中學年代是在抗戰時期,, 原在英文中學就讀, 父親馬鑑是香港大學中文系教授, 亦是1938年嶺英創校校董, 當時校長是洪高煌, 馬鑑教授計劃讓兒子回內地升學, 要他轉到嶺英學好中文, 就讀戰社至1941年, 因戰事沒有行畢業禮!便退入內地西南大後方讀大學"西南聯大", 後轉英国University of Leeds 1955年得博士, 馬校友一生研究"蛋白質生物化學", 1957年返港在港大任教, 1964年轉至香港中文大學任高級講師, 并成立生物化學系, 1973年升任系主任及理學院院長, 1978年獲任中文大學第二任校長至1987年榮休. 9年任內馬校長建立了中大醫學院及逸夫書院 , 馬校長領導下的中大日見壯大, 馬校長向社會各界推廣教育及募捐巨款捐贈中大, 功不可沒!
cuhk.edu.hk Information Services Office October 2017 e-news:
"Professor Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, pays tribute to Professor Ma: "Professor Ma was
a scholar and educator of great vision and passion. He was generous with his guidance of students and young scholars. His leadership had bequeathed to CUHK a solid foundation for subsequent development on many fronts. His passing is a sad loss for both the University and the higher education sector."
Professor Ma Lin is the first Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Shaw College, Emeritus Chair
Professor, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa and Honorary Fellow of CUHK. His life and contributions are captured very well by a sentence in the citation for his Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa:
'As a scientist, Professor Ma brought to his office a logical mind with a penchant for rational arguments; at the same time, when all was said and done, he was fully capable of taking decisions with the wisdom of one who had a Confucian upbringing.'
編按: 文中最後一句: 馬教授是深受儒家思想教育而成長的智者he was fully capable of taking decisions with the wisdom of one who had a Confucian upbringing----體現了當日馬鑑校董對兒子教育由英文中學轉至中文中學嶺英的明確決定! 成就了馬臨校友的大智大慧之一生之路!
哀悼 李耀漢
秋風蕭蕭雨陰陰, 靜思母校作育恩.
傑出教授今辭世, 哀我嶺英少一人.